Index by author
March 20, 2008; Volume 100,Issue 1
Adler, Hans
- You have accessRestricted accessFrom the EditorHans AdlerMonatshefte, March 2008, 100 (1) 1-4; DOI:
Albert, Claudia
- You have accessRestricted accessBeobachtungen der Moderne in Hermann Brochs Die Schlafwandler und Robert Musils Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften. Rhetorische und narratologische Aspekte von Interdiskursivität. Von Gunther Martens. München: Fink, 2006. 434 Seiten. €60,00.Claudia AlbertMonatshefte, March 2008, 100 (1) 159-161; DOI: AlbertFreie Universität Berlin
Betz, Frederick
- You have accessRestricted accessTheodor Fontane Bibliographie. Werk und Forschung. Von Wolfgang Rasch. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2006. 3 Bände. xlix + 2747 Seiten. €498,00.Frederick BetzMonatshefte, March 2008, 100 (1) 152-154; DOI: BetzSouthern Illinois University-Carbondale
Bullivant, Keith
- You have accessRestricted accessIrmtraud Morgner: Adventures in Knowledge, 1959–1974. By Geoffrey Plow. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2006. 281 pages. $54.95.Keith BullivantMonatshefte, March 2008, 100 (1) 162-163; DOI: BullivantThe University of Florida
Bullock, Marcus
- You have accessRestricted accessShocked Silences: Alfred Andersch, Walter Benjamin, Ludwig WittgensteinMarcus BullockMonatshefte, March 2008, 100 (1) 107-127; DOI: BullockUniversity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Domenghino, Caroline
- You have accessRestricted accessKäte Hamburger’s Logik der Dichtung in Contemporary Narrative TheoryCaroline DomenghinoMonatshefte, March 2008, 100 (1) 25-32; DOI: DomenghinoJohns Hopkins University
Dowden, Steve
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Void of Ethics: Robert Musil and the Experience of Modernity. By Patrizia C. McBride. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2006. 256 pages. $22.95.Steve DowdenMonatshefte, March 2008, 100 (1) 158-159; DOI: DowdenBrandeis University
Druxes, Helga
- You have accessRestricted accessLuftzug hinter Samtportieren. Versuch über E. Marlitt. Von Erika Dingeldey. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2007. 209 Seiten. €34,80.Helga DruxesMonatshefte, March 2008, 100 (1) 154-156; DOI: DruxesWilliams College
Glajar, Valentina
- You have accessRestricted accessMapping the Contours of Oppression: Subjectivity, Truth, and Fiction in Recent German Autobiographical Treatments of Totalitarianism. By Owen Evans. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006. xi + 356 pages. €74,00.Valentina GlajarMonatshefte, March 2008, 100 (1) 168-169; DOI: GlajarTexas State University, San Marcos
Godel, Rainer
- You have accessRestricted accessPhysiognomy in Profile: Lavater’s Impact on European Culture. Edited by Melissa Percival and Graeme Tytler. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2005. 264 pages + 31 illustrations. $49.50.Rainer GodelMonatshefte, March 2008, 100 (1) 137-139; DOI: GodelMartin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
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