Index by author
March 20, 2009; Volume 101,Issue 1
Ammerlahn, Hellmut
- You have accessRestricted access‘Key’ and ‘Treasure Chest’ Configurations in Goethe’s Works: A Comparative Overview in Poetological PerspectiveHellmut AmmerlahnMonatshefte, March 2009, 101 (1) 1-18; DOI: AmmerlahnUniversity of Washington
Betz, Frederick
- You have accessRestricted accessPoetische Ordnungen. Zur Erzählprosa des deutschen RealismusFrederick BetzMonatshefte, March 2009, 101 (1) 122-124; DOI: BetzSouthern Illinois University-Carbondale
Davidson, John E.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Cinema of Werner Herzog: Aesthetic Ecstasy and TruthJohn E. DavidsonMonatshefte, March 2009, 101 (1) 146-147; DOI: E. DavidsonOhio State University
Elsaghe, Yahya
- You have accessRestricted access“Edhin Krokowski aus Linde bei Pinne, Provinz Posen.” Judentum und Antisemitismus im Zauberberg und seiner VorgeschichteYahya ElsagheMonatshefte, March 2009, 101 (1) 56-72; DOI: ElsagheUniversität Bern
Gellen, Kata
- You have accessRestricted accessDie Zweite Stimme. Vortragskunst von Goethe bis KafkaKata GellenMonatshefte, March 2009, 101 (1) 126-128; DOI: GellenPrinceton University
Godel, Rainer
- You have accessRestricted accessDie Verhöflichung des Lachens. Lachgeschichte im 18. JahrhundertRainer GodelMonatshefte, March 2009, 101 (1) 108-110; DOI: GodelMartin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Hafner, Ralph
- You have accessRestricted accessReading Heinrich HeineRalph HäfnerMonatshefte, March 2009, 101 (1) 117-118; DOI: HäfnerEberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Halle, Randall
- You have accessRestricted accessWhen Heimat Meets Hollywood: German Filmmakers and America, 1985–2005Randall HalleMonatshefte, March 2009, 101 (1) 147-149; DOI: HalleUniversity of Pittsburgh
Johnson, Laurie
- You have accessRestricted accessWomen and Writing in the Works of Novalis: Transformation Beyond Measure?Laurie JohnsonMonatshefte, March 2009, 101 (1) 115-117; DOI: JohnsonUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Johnson, Sheila
- You have accessRestricted accessHumor, Satire, and Identity: Eastern German Literature in the 1990sSheila JohnsonMonatshefte, March 2009, 101 (1) 139-141; DOI: JohnsonThe University of Texas at San Antonio
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