Metamorphoses of the Vampire in Literature and Film: Cultural Transformations in Europe, 1732–1933.By Erik Butler. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2010. ix + 225 pages. $75.00.
Thomas W. Kniesche
Monatshefte, March 2012, 104 (1) 112-114; DOI:
Metamorphoses of the Vampire in Literature and Film: Cultural Transformations in Europe, 1732–1933.By Erik Butler. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2010. ix + 225 pages. $75.00.
Thomas W. Kniesche
Monatshefte Mar 2012, 104 (1) 112-114; DOI: 10.1353/mon.2012.0017
Metamorphoses of the Vampire in Literature and Film: Cultural Transformations in Europe, 1732–1933.By Erik Butler. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2010. ix + 225 pages. $75.00.
Thomas W. Kniesche
Monatshefte Mar 2012, 104 (1) 112-114; DOI: 10.1353/mon.2012.0017