Table of Contents
June 20, 2012; Volume 104,Issue 2
- You have accessRestricted accessTraum, Physiologie, Biographie. Jean Pauls SchreiblaborJens LoescherMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 155-179; DOI: LoescherFreie Universität Berlin
- You have accessRestricted accessEmasculating Fear: Gothic and Gender in Caroline de la Motte Fouqué’s Der CypressenkranzSara LulyMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 180-193; DOI: LulyKansas State University
- You have accessRestricted accessDer Hessische Landbote und seine Lesbarkeit: Textstruktur, Adressatenbezug und RezeptionPatricia CzeziorMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 194-208; DOI: CzeziorMünchen
- You have accessRestricted access“Jeder Reiche ist ein Judas Ischariot”: Heinrich Heine and the Emancipation of the JewsGeorge F. PetersMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 209-231; DOI: F. PetersMichigan State University
- You have accessRestricted accessEric Rohmer’s Die Marquise von O . . . , or Marriage Under Ambiguous CircumstancesJames PhillipsMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 232-243; DOI: PhillipsThe University of New South Wales
- You have accessRestricted accessRebels Without Causes: Contemporary German Authors Not in Search of MeaningMichelle MattsonMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 244-262; DOI: MattsonRhodes College
Book Reviews
- You have accessRestricted accessNach der Natur. Das Artensterben und die moderne Kultur. Von Ursula K. Heise. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2010. 190 Seiten. €12,00.Bernhard MalkmusMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 263-265; DOI: MalkmusOhio State University
- You have accessRestricted accessZwischen Mythos und Geschichte. Ästhetik, Medialität und Kulturspezifik der Mittelalterkonjunktur. Von Stephanie Wodianka. Berlin und New York: de Gruyter, 2009. x + 493 Seiten. €119,95.Richard UtzMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 265-266; DOI: UtzWestern Michigan University
- You have accessRestricted accessKing Rother and His Bride: Quest and Counter-Quests. By Thomas Kerth. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2010. xi + 252 pages. $75.00.Astrid LembkeMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 266-268; DOI: LembkeGoethe-Universität Frankfurt
- You have accessRestricted accessMarquard von Lindau and the Challenges of Religious Life in Late Medieval Germany: The Passion, the Eucharist, the Virgin Mary. By Stephen Mossman. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. 318 pages. $120.00.Salvatore CalominoMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 268-270; DOI: CalominoUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
- You have accessRestricted accessBeauty or Beast? The Woman Warrior in the German Imagination from the Renaissance to the Present. By Helen Watanabe-O’Kelly. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. xiv + 309 pages. $85.00.Katherine GoodmanMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 270-272; DOI: GoodmanBrown University
- You have accessRestricted accessWomen and Death 3: Women’s Representations of Death in German Culture since 1500. Edited by Clare Bielby and Anna Richards. Rochester: Camden House, 2010. ix + 224 pages + 3 b/w images. $75.00.Jane O. NewmanMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 272-274; DOI: O. NewmanUniversity of California, Irvine
- You have accessRestricted accessEnlightened War: German Theories and Cultures of Warfare from Frederick the Great to Clausewitz. Edited by Elisabeth Krimmer and Patricia Anne Simpson. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2011. viii + 348 pages + 8 b/w images. $85.00.Martin KagelMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 274-276; DOI: KagelUniversity of Georgia
- You have accessRestricted accessSpinoza and the Specters of Modernity: The Hidden Enlightenment of Diversity from Spinoza to Freud. By Michael Mack. Continuum: New York, 2010. 222 pages. $34.95.Horst LangeMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 276-279; DOI: LangeUniversity of Central Arkansas
- You have accessRestricted accessWho Is This Schiller Now?: Essays on His Reception and Significance. Edited by Jeffrey L. High, Nicholas Martin, and Norbert Oellers. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2011. xviii + 494 pages + 1 b/w image. $95.00.Dirk OschmannMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 279-281; DOI: OschmannUniversität Leipzig
- You have accessRestricted accessDer Ring der Notwendigkeit. Friedrich Schiller nach der Natur. Von Thomas Stachel. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2010. 320 Seiten. €29,90.Peter HöyngMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 281-283; DOI: HöyngEmory University
- You have accessRestricted accessGoethes “Wahlverwandtschaften”. Werk und Forschung. Herausgegeben von Helmut Hühn. Berlin und New York: de Gruyter, 2010. ix + 538 Seiten + 18 s/w Abbildungen. €149,95.Michael SamanMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 283-284; DOI: SamanUniversity of California, Los Angeles
- You have accessRestricted access“Im Freien”? Kleist-Versuche. Von Roland Reuß. Frankfurt am Main und Basel: Stroemfeld 2010. 400 Seiten. €48,00.Hubert ThüringMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 285-287; DOI: ThüringUniversität Basel
- You have accessRestricted accessMännlichkeit und Melodram. Arthur Schnitzlers erzählende Schriften. Von Imke Meyer. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2010. 192 Seiten. €28,00.Walter SchönauMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 287-289; DOI: SchönauRijksuniversiteit Groningen
- You have accessRestricted accessHermann Broch und die Moderne. Roman, Menschenrecht, Biografie. Von Paul Michael Lützeler. München: Fink, 2011. 237 Seiten. €29,90.Thorsten CarstensenMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 289-292; DOI: CarstensenNew York University
- You have accessRestricted accessIdentität und Ordnung. Entwürfe des “Eigenen” und “Fremden” in deutschen Kolonial- und Afrikaromanen von 1889 bis 1952. Von Daniel Schneider. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2011. 339 Seiten. €34,80.Sabine WilkeMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 292-294; DOI: WilkeUniversity of Washington
- You have accessRestricted accessOst-westliche Kulturtransfers. Orient—Amerika. Herausgegeben von Alexander Honold. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2011. 291 Seiten. €29,80.Kathrin WittlerMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 294-298; DOI: WittlerHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- You have accessRestricted access“Die Entzauberung des Ostens”. Zur Wahrnehmung und Darstellung des Orients bei Hermann Hesse, Armin T. Wegner und Annemarie Schwarzenbach. Von Behrang Samsami. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2011. 431 Seiten. €45,00.Kathrin WittlerMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 294-298; DOI: WittlerHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- You have accessRestricted accessLectures de l’identité narrative. Max Frisch, Ingeborg Bachmann, Marlene Haushofer, W.G. Sebald. De Régine Battiston. Paris: Orizons, 2009. 306 pages. €29,00.Josef SchmidtMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 298-299; DOI: SchmidtMcGill University
- You have accessRestricted accessGenerational Shifts in Contemporary German Culture. Edited by Laurel Cohen-Pfister and Susanne Vees-Gulani. Rochester: Camden House, 2010. x + 326 pages. $75.00.Silke HorstkotteMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 299-303; DOI: HorstkotteUniversität Leipzig
- You have accessRestricted accessEuropean Others: Queering Ethnicity in Postnational Europe. By Fatima El-Tayeb. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011. xlvi + 253 pages. $25.00.David GramlingMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 303-305; DOI: GramlingThe University of Arizona
- You have accessRestricted accessChristoph Schlingensief: Art Without Borders. Edited by Tara Forrest and Anna Teresa Scheer. Bristol and Chicago: Intellect, 2010. vi + 223 pages + 30 b/w illustrations. $35.00.Jack DavisMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 306-307; DOI: DavisUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Collapse of the Conventional: German Film and its Politics at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century. Edited by Jaimey Fisher and Brad Prager. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2010. vi + 431 pages. $39.95.Chris HomewoodMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 308-309; DOI: HomewoodUniversity of Leeds
- You have accessRestricted accessBeyond Political Correctness: Remapping German Sensibilities in the 21st Century. Edited by Christine Anton and Frank Pilipp. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010. vi + 275 pages. €56,00.Siegfried MewsMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 310-311; DOI: MewsUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Books Received
- You have accessRestricted accessBooks ReceivedMonatshefte, June 2012, 104 (2) 312-316; DOI: