Index by author

  1. Achtler, Norman

  2. Baer, Hester

  3. Barrack, Charles M.

    1. Motifs of Love in the Courtly Love Lyric of Moslem Spain and Hohenstaufen GermanyIn Memory of Ernst Behler
      Charles M. Barrack
  4. Bermejo-rubio, Fernando

    1. Does Gregor Samsa Crawl over the Ceiling and Walls? Intra-narrative Fiction in Kafka’s Die Verwandlung
      Fernando Bermejo-Rubio
    2. Does Gregor Samsa Crawl over the Ceiling and Walls? Intra-narrative Fiction in Kafka’s Die Verwandlung
      Fernando Bermejo-Rubio
  5. Bledsoe, Robert S.

  6. Bower, Kathrin

  7. Boyd, Amanda

    1. Nationalist Voices against Gustav Meyrink’s Wartime Publications: Adolf Bartels, Albert Zimmermann, and the Hetze of 1917–1918
      Amanda Boyd
    2. Nationalist Voices against Gustav Meyrink’s Wartime Publications: Adolf Bartels, Albert Zimmermann, and the Hetze of 1917–1918
      Amanda Boyd
  8. Eldridge, Hannah

    1. Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte. Herausgegeben von Dieter Lamping. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2011. 451 Seiten + 2 s/w Abbildungen. €69,95.
      Hannah Eldridge
  9. Finney, Gail

    1. Marriage, Gender, and Desire in Early Enlightenment German Comedy. By Edward T. Potter. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2012. ix + 198 pages. $75.00.
      Gail Finney
  10. Franzel, Sean

    1. Uncivil Unions: The Metaphysics of Marriage in German Idealism and Romanticism. By Adrian Daub. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012. viii + 366 pages. $35.00.
      Sean Franzel
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