Private Lives and Collective Destinies: Class, Nation and the Folk in the Works of Gustav Freytag (1816–1895).By Benedict Schofield. London: Modern Humanities Research Association and the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies Books, University of London, 2012. vii + 219 pages. £19.99
Jeffrey L. Sammons
Monatshefte, June 2014, 106 (2) 312-315; DOI:
Private Lives and Collective Destinies: Class, Nation and the Folk in the Works of Gustav Freytag (1816–1895).By Benedict Schofield. London: Modern Humanities Research Association and the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies Books, University of London, 2012. vii + 219 pages. £19.99
Jeffrey L. Sammons
Monatshefte Jun 2014, 106 (2) 312-315; DOI: 10.3368/m.106.2.312a
Private Lives and Collective Destinies: Class, Nation and the Folk in the Works of Gustav Freytag (1816–1895).By Benedict Schofield. London: Modern Humanities Research Association and the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies Books, University of London, 2012. vii + 219 pages. £19.99
Jeffrey L. Sammons
Monatshefte Jun 2014, 106 (2) 312-315; DOI: 10.3368/m.106.2.312a