Research ArticleArticles
Theodor Fontane: Biologism and Fiction
Christian Thomas
Monatshefte, September 2014, 106 (3) 376-401; DOI:
Christian Thomas
Acadia University

Works Cited
- Bender Niklas
- Bernard Luther Lee
- Berman Russell A
- Beyer Franziska
- Bovenschen Silvia
- Braese Stephan
- Bunke Simon
- Chambers Helen
- Darwin Charles
- Faucher Eugène
- Fontane Theodor
- Fontane Theodor
- Gehrhard Myriam,
- Kurt Bayertz
- Grawe Christian
- Hehle Christine
- Hohendahl Peter Uwe
- Koelb Clayton,
- Downing Eric
- Kolkenbrock-Netz Jutta
- Kramer Anke
- Lagerkvist Ulf
- Kuzniar Alice
- Lessing Gotthold Ephraim
- Magner Lois N. A.
- Masanetz Michael
- Momber Eckhardt
- Mencke Bettine
- Mülder-Bach Inka
- Müller-Seidel Walter
- Müller-Seidel Walter
- Ohl Hubert
- Roebling Irmgard
- Rommel Gabriele
- Saul Nicholas,
- James,
- Simon J.
- Schäfer Renate
- Schopenhauer Arthur
- Serpell James
- Schuster Peter-Klaus.,
- Fontane Theodor
- Sprengel Peter
- Stephan Inge
- Strowick Elizabeth
- Suhrbier Hartwig
- Swales Erika
- Vogt Carl
- Vogt Carl
- Wagner Rudolf
- Wilczek Reinhard
- Wülfing Wulf
- Ziegler Edda
- Zuberbühler Rolf.,
- Ja Luise
In this issue
Vol. 106, Issue 3
21 Sep 2014
Theodor Fontane: Biologism and Fiction
Christian Thomas
Monatshefte Sep 2014, 106 (3) 376-401; DOI: 10.1353/mon.2014.0071
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