Table of Contents

  1. Bade, James N.

  2. Berghahn, Klaus L.

    1. Autofiktionen von und für Literaturwissenschaftler
      Klaus L. Berghahn
  3. Brockmann, Stephen

    1. Postwall German Cinema: History, Film History, and Cinephilia. By Mattias Frey. New York: Berghahn, 2013. xi + 206 pages + 22 b/w illustrations. $90.00.
      Stephen Brockmann
  4. Bullock, Marcus

    1. Structures of Appearing: Allegory and the Work of Literature. By Brenda Machosky. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013. vii + 259 pages. $55.00.
      Marcus Bullock
  5. Calomino, Salvatore

    1. Blickwendungen. Virtuelle Räume und Wahrnehmungserfahrungen in höfischen Erzählungen um 1200. Von Carsten Morsch. Bielefeld: Erich Schmidt, 2011. 303 Seiten. €49,80.
      Salvatore Calomino
  6. Carter, William H.

    1. Administration and its Vicissitudes: Contingency, Crisis, and Failure in Justus Möser’s “Kurze Geschichte der Bauerhöfe” and Goethe’s Faust II
      William H. Carter
  7. Court, Justin

    1. Personalia 2014
      Justin Court
  8. Fischer, Bernd

  9. Gilgen, Peter

    1. The Radical Luhmann. By Hans-Georg Moeller. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. xiii + 168 pages. $74.50.
      Peter Gilgen
  10. Goebel, Rolf J.

    1. Philosophy and Melancholy: Benjamin’s Early Reflections on Theater and Language. By Ilit Ferber. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013. x + 241 pages. $85.00.
      Rolf J. Goebel
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