Necessary Luxuries: Books, Literature, and the Culture of Consumption in Germany, 1770–1815.By Matt Erlin. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2014. xii + 264 pages + 11 b/w illustrations. $79.95 hardcover, $29.95 paperback.
Robert S. Bledsoe
Monatshefte, June 2016, 108 (2) 287-289; DOI:
Necessary Luxuries: Books, Literature, and the Culture of Consumption in Germany, 1770–1815.By Matt Erlin. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2014. xii + 264 pages + 11 b/w illustrations. $79.95 hardcover, $29.95 paperback.
Robert S. Bledsoe
Monatshefte Jun 2016, 108 (2) 287-289; DOI: 10.3368/m.108.2.287
Necessary Luxuries: Books, Literature, and the Culture of Consumption in Germany, 1770–1815.By Matt Erlin. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2014. xii + 264 pages + 11 b/w illustrations. $79.95 hardcover, $29.95 paperback.
Robert S. Bledsoe
Monatshefte Jun 2016, 108 (2) 287-289; DOI: 10.3368/m.108.2.287