Book ReviewBook Reviews
Heimat, Loss and Identity: Flight and Expulsion in German Literature from the 1950s to the Present. By Karina Berger. Oxford, Bern, et al.: Peter Lang, 2014. viii + 227 pages. $97.95., and: Representations of Flight and Expulsion in East German Prose Works. By Bill Niven. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2014. 219 pages. $85.00.
B. Venkat Mani, Pamela M. Potter and Friederike Eigler
Monatshefte, September 2016, 108 (3) 451-455; DOI:
B. Venkat Mani
Georgetown University
Pamela M. Potter
Georgetown University
Friederike Eigler
Georgetown University
In this issue
Vol. 108, Issue 3
1 Sep 2016
Heimat, Loss and Identity: Flight and Expulsion in German Literature from the 1950s to the Present. By Karina Berger. Oxford, Bern, et al.: Peter Lang, 2014. viii + 227 pages. $97.95., and: Representations of Flight and Expulsion in East German Prose Works. By Bill Niven. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2014. 219 pages. $85.00.
Friederike Eigler
Monatshefte Sep 2016, 108 (3) 451-455; DOI: 10.3368/m.108.3.451
Heimat, Loss and Identity: Flight and Expulsion in German Literature from the 1950s to the Present. By Karina Berger. Oxford, Bern, et al.: Peter Lang, 2014. viii + 227 pages. $97.95., and: Representations of Flight and Expulsion in East German Prose Works. By Bill Niven. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2014. 219 pages. $85.00.
Friederike Eigler
Monatshefte Sep 2016, 108 (3) 451-455; DOI: 10.3368/m.108.3.451
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