Table of Contents
March 01, 2017; Volume 109,Issue 1
- You have accessRestricted accessRomantic Coherence. Atmosphere and the Absolute in Tieck’s FrühlingsreiseJan Oliver Jost-FritzMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 1-24; DOI: Oliver Jost-FritzEast Tennessee State University
- You have accessRestricted accessLauschen als Bildungserlebnis Nietzsches Vorträge Über die Zukunft unserer BildungsanstaltenManuel ClemensMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 25-44; DOI: ClemensRutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
- You have accessRestricted accessMax Brod and the Spell of ViolenceZohar MaorMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 45-66; DOI: MaorBar Ilan University, Ramat Gan. Israel
- You have accessRestricted accessDie Schreib-Szene als Literaturbetriebs-Szene: Rainald Goetz’ loslabernDavid-Christopher AssmannMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 67-80; DOI: AssmannGoethe-Universität Frankfurt
- You have accessRestricted accessLocal and Transnational Claims in the Films of Fatih Akin: Recognition and the Gaze at the Body in Akin and Fassbinder’s FilmsPetra LandfesterMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 81-99; DOI: LandfesterColorado State University
- You have accessRestricted accessShoes, Shopping, and the Search for Mr. Right: Investigating the Trivial in Recent Turkish-German Chick LitGabriele Eichmanns MaierMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 100-123; DOI: Eichmanns MaierCarnegie Mellon University
Book Reviews
- You have accessRestricted accessEinführung in die interkulturelle Literatur. Von Michael Hofmann und Iulia-Karin Patrut. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2015. 168 Seiten. €17,95.Elke SegelckeMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 124-127; DOI: SegelckeIllinois State University
- You have accessRestricted accessÄsthetik des Zufalls. Ordnungen des Unvorhersehbaren in Literatur und Theorie. Herausgegeben von Christoph Pflaumbaum, Carolin Rocks, Christian Schmitt und Stefan Tetzlaff. Heidelberg: Winter, 2014. 380 Seiten + 13 Abbildungen. €48,00.Brett MartzMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 127-130; DOI: MartzLongwood University
- You have accessRestricted accessEmblematik der Zukunft. Poetik und Geschichte literarischer Utopien von Thomas Morus bis Robert Musil. Von Wilhelm Voßkamp. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter, 2016. vii + 384 Seiten + 8 s/w Abbildungen. €99,95/$140.00.Klaus L. BerghahnMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 130-132; DOI: L. BerghahnUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
- You have accessRestricted accessSilence and Absence in Literature and Music. Edited by Werner Wolf and Walter Bernhart. Leiden: Brill, 2016. xi + 253 pages. €110,00.Rolf J. GoebelMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 132-134; DOI: J. GoebelUniversity of Alabama in Huntsville
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Forest in Medieval German Literature: Ecocritical Readings from a Historical Perspective. By Albrecht Classen. London: Lexington, 2015. 243 pages + 5 b/w illustrations. $95.00.Erhard SchützMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 134-138; DOI: SchützHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Medieval Risk-Reward Society: Courts, Adventure, and Love in the European Middle Ages. By Will Hasty. Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 2016. ix + 260 pages + 2 b/w illustrations. $99.95.Albrecht ClassenMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 138-140; DOI: ClassenThe University of Arizona
- You have accessRestricted accessMetrik und Kulturpolitik. Verstheorie bei Opitz, Klopstock und Bürger in der europäischen Tradition. Von Remigius Bunia. Berlin: Ripperger & Kremers, 2014. 144 Seiten. €14,90.Tanvi SolankiMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 140-142; DOI: SolankiCornell University
- You have accessRestricted accessHerder: Aesthetics against Imperialism. By John K. Noyes. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015. xi + 402 pages + 10 illustrations. $75.00.Lynn ZastoupilMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 142-145; DOI: ZastoupilRhodes College
- You have accessRestricted accessKonzepte ästhetischer Erziehung bei Schiller und Hölderlin. Von Lars Meier. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2015. 397 Seiten. €45,00.Peter HöyngMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 145-147; DOI: HöyngEmory University
- You have accessRestricted accessNovel Affinities: Composing the Family in the German Novel, 1795–1830. By Sarah Vandegrift Eldridge. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2016. 202 pages. $85.00.Susan E. GustafsonMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 147-149; DOI: E. GustafsonUniversity of Rochester
- You have accessRestricted accessAgenten der Öffentlichkeit. Theater und Medium im frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Herausgegeben von Meike Wagner. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2014. 267 Seiten + 3 farbige und 5 s/w Abbildungen. €34,80.Brigitte E. JirkuMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 149-151; DOI: E. JirkuUniversitat de València
- You have accessRestricted accessPeripheral Desires: The German Discovery of Sex. By Robert Deam Tobin. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015. xix + 306 pages + 8 b/w illustrations. $69.95.Erik JensenMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 151-153; DOI: JensenMiami University
- You have accessRestricted accessNietzsche’s Jewish Problem: Between Anti-Semitism and Anti-Judaism. By Robert C. Holub. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015. xx + 271 pages. $35.00.Steven E. AschheimMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 153-156; DOI: E. AschheimThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- You have accessRestricted accessDie Sprengkraft der Miniatur. Zur Kurzprosa Robert Walsers, Kafkas, Musils, mit einer antithetischen Eröffnung zu Thomas Mann. Von Bernhard Böschenstein. Hildesheim: Olms, 2013. 234 Seiten. €38,00.Florence VatanMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 156-158; DOI: VatanUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
- You have accessRestricted accessInheriting Walter Benjamin. By Gerhard Richter. New York: Bloomsbury, 2016. 170 pages + 2 b/w illustrations. $112.00 hardcover, $29.95 paperback, $20.99 e-book.Rolf J. GoebelMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 158-160; DOI: J. GoebelUniversity of Alabama in Huntsville
- You have accessRestricted accessDie Dekonstruktion des Bürgerlichen im Stummfilm der Weimarer Republik. Von Ioana Craăciun. Heidelberg: Winter, 2015. 337 Seiten + 26 s/w Abbildungen. €64,00.Ofer AshkenaziMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 160-161; DOI: AshkenaziThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Use and Abuse of Cinema: German Legacies from the Weimar Era to the Present. By Eric Rentschler. New York: Columbia University Press, 2015. 451 pages + many b/w illustrations. $105.00 hardcover, $35.00 paperback.Barton BygMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 162-163; DOI: BygUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst
- You have accessRestricted accessHeidegger und der Mythos der jüdischen Weltverschwörung. Von Peter Trawny. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 3. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, 2015. 144 Seiten. €17.80., and Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy. By Peter Trawny. Trans. Andrew J. Mitchell. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016. xii + 147 pages. $25.00.Brad PragerMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 164-166; DOI: PragerUniversity of Missouri
- You have accessRestricted accessSpeaking the Unspeakable in Postwar Germany: Toward a Public Discourse on the Holocaust. By Sonja Boos. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2014. xi + 229 pages. $79.95 hardcover, $29.95 paperback.Felix TweraserMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 167-168; DOI: TweraserUniversity of West Georgia
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Writers’ State: Constructing East German Literature, 1945–1959. By Stephen Brockmann. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2015. xi + 368 pages. $90.00.April EismanMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 168-170; DOI: EismanIowa State University
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Politics of Magic: DEFA Fairy-Tale Films. By Qinna Shen. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 2015. xv + 311 pages + 27 b/w illustrations. $31.99.Sonja FritzscheMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 171-173; DOI: FritzscheMichigan State University
- You have accessRestricted accessAfter the Red Army Faction: Gender, Culture, and Militancy. Charity Scribner. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014. 312 pages + 30 b/w illustrations. $60.00.Sonja E. KlockeMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 173-175; DOI: E. KlockeUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
- You have accessRestricted accessGerman Narratives of Belonging: Writing Generation and Place in the Twenty-First Century. By Linda Shortt. Oxford: Legenda, 2015. 133 pages. $99.00.Alexandra M. HillMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 175-177; DOI: M. HillUniversity of Portland
- You have accessRestricted accessTaking Stock of German Studies in the United States: The New Millennium. Edited by Rachel J. Halverson and Carol Anne Costabile-Heming. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2015. xii + 312 pages. $75.00.Helga G. BraunbeckMonatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 177-179; DOI: G. BraunbeckNorth Carolina State University