Novel Affinities: Composing the Family in the German Novel, 1795–1830.By Sarah Vandegrift Eldridge. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2016. 202 pages. $85.00.
Susan E. Gustafson
Monatshefte, March 2017, 109 (1) 147-149; DOI:
Novel Affinities: Composing the Family in the German Novel, 1795–1830.By Sarah Vandegrift Eldridge. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2016. 202 pages. $85.00.
Susan E. Gustafson
Monatshefte Mar 2017, 109 (1) 147-149; DOI: 10.3368/m.109.1.147
Novel Affinities: Composing the Family in the German Novel, 1795–1830.By Sarah Vandegrift Eldridge. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2016. 202 pages. $85.00.
Susan E. Gustafson
Monatshefte Mar 2017, 109 (1) 147-149; DOI: 10.3368/m.109.1.147