Index by author

Special Issue: Weimar Photography In Context

  1. Bivens, Hunter

    1. Post-Ost-Moderne. Poetik nach der DDR. Von Stephan Pabst. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2016. 483 Seiten. €39,90.
      Hunter Bivens
  2. Bozkaya, Inci

  3. Bruckle, Wolfgang

    1. Not in the Baedeker. Photography and the Physiognomy of the Metropolis in Weimar Germany
      Wolfgang Brückle
  4. Bullock, Marcus

  5. Duttlinger, Carolin

    1. Introduction: Weimar Photography in Context Typology, Sequentiality, Narrativity
      Carolin Duttlinger and Silke Horstkotte
    2. From Photography to Film and Back Again. Helmar Lerski’s Dramaturgy of the Human Face
      Carolin Duttlinger
  6. Finney, Gail

  7. Glajar, Valentina

  8. Goebel, Rolf J.

  9. Goppelsroder, Fabian

    1. Körperpoetiken. Zur Funktion des Körpers in der Dichtungstheorie des 18. Jahrhunderts. Von Torsten Hoffmann. München: Fink, 2015. 399 Seiten. €49,90.
      Fabian Goppelsröder
  10. Grammatikopoulos, Damianos

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