Index by author
June 01, 2017; Volume 109,Issue 2
Special Issue: Weimar Photography In Context
Bivens, Hunter
- You have accessRestricted accessPost-Ost-Moderne. Poetik nach der DDR. Von Stephan Pabst. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2016. 483 Seiten. €39,90.Hunter BivensMonatshefte, June 2017, 109 (2) 334-337; DOI: BivensUniversity of California, Santa Cruz
Bozkaya, Inci
- You have accessRestricted accessDer Hof. Ort kulturellen Handelns von Frauen in der Frühen Neuzeit. Herausgegeben von Susanne Rode-Breymann und Antje Tumat. Köln: Böhlau, 2013. 386 Seiten + 34 s/w und 14 farbige Abbildungen. €44,90.Inci BozkayaMonatshefte, June 2017, 109 (2) 298-300; DOI: BozkayaUniversität Mannheim
Bruckle, Wolfgang
- You have accessRestricted accessNot in the Baedeker. Photography and the Physiognomy of the Metropolis in Weimar GermanyWolfgang BrückleMonatshefte, June 2017, 109 (2) 187-200; DOI: BrückleHochschule Luzern (Switzerland)
Bullock, Marcus
- You have accessRestricted accessAlfred Andersch. Engagierte Autorschaft im Literatursystem der Bundesrepublik. Herausgegeben von Norman Ächtler. Stuttgart: Metzler. 2016. 374 Seiten + 27 s/w Abbildungen. €49,95.Marcus BullockMonatshefte, June 2017, 109 (2) 329-332; DOI: BullockUniversity of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
Duttlinger, Carolin
- You have accessRestricted accessIntroduction: Weimar Photography in Context Typology, Sequentiality, NarrativityCarolin Duttlinger and Silke HorstkotteMonatshefte, June 2017, 109 (2) 181-186; DOI: DuttlingerUniversity of Oxford / University of WarwickSilke HorstkotteUniversity of Oxford / University of Warwick
- You have accessRestricted accessFrom Photography to Film and Back Again. Helmar Lerski’s Dramaturgy of the Human FaceCarolin DuttlingerMonatshefte, June 2017, 109 (2) 229-242; DOI: DuttlingerUniversity of Oxford
Finney, Gail
- You have accessRestricted accessWeibliche Kreativität um 1800. Women’s Creativity around 1800. Herausgegeben von Linda Dietrick und Birte Giesler. Hannover: Wehrhahn, 2015. 282 Seiten + 7 Abbildungen. €29,50.Gail FinneyMonatshefte, June 2017, 109 (2) 317-319; DOI: FinneyUniversity of California–Davis
Glajar, Valentina
- You have accessRestricted accessEnvisioning Social Justice in Contemporary German Culture. Edited by Jill E. Twark and Axel Hildebrandt. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2015. 326 pages + 11 b/w illustrations. $85.00.Valentina GlajarMonatshefte, June 2017, 109 (2) 348-350; DOI: GlajarTexas State University
Goebel, Rolf J.
- You have accessRestricted accessTotengedächtnis in den Kreisen um Stefan George. Formen und Funktionen eines ästhetischen Rituals. Von Simon Reiser. Würzburg: Ergon, 2015. 418 Seiten + 11 s/w Abbildungen. €54,00.Rolf J. GoebelMonatshefte, June 2017, 109 (2) 324-326; DOI: J. GoebelUniversity of Alabama in Huntsville
Goppelsroder, Fabian
- You have accessRestricted accessKörperpoetiken. Zur Funktion des Körpers in der Dichtungstheorie des 18. Jahrhunderts. Von Torsten Hoffmann. München: Fink, 2015. 399 Seiten. €49,90.Fabian GoppelsröderMonatshefte, June 2017, 109 (2) 301-303; DOI: GoppelsröderUniversity of Chicago
Grammatikopoulos, Damianos
- You have accessRestricted accessFlirtations: Rhetoric and Aesthetics This Side of Seduction. Edited by Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz, Barbara Natalie Nagel, and Lauren Shizuko Stone. New York: Fordham University Press, 2015. 178 pages + 7 b/w illustrations. $85.00 hardcover, $24.00 paperback.Damianos GrammatikopoulosMonatshefte, June 2017, 109 (2) 296-298; DOI: GrammatikopoulosRutgers University