Index by author

  1. Brockmann, Stephen

  2. Bullock, Marcus

  3. Court, Justin

  4. Goebel, Rolf J.

    1. Dekadenz. Oberfläche und Tiefe in der Kunst um 1900. Von Martin Urmann. Wien: Turia + Kant, 2016. 711 Seiten, €42,00.
      Rolf J. Goebel
    2. Musical Biographies: The Music of Memory in Post-1945 German Literature. By Michal Ben-Horin. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter, 2016. viii + 173 pages. €79,95 / $112.00.
      Rolf J. Goebel
  5. Gossens, Peter

  6. Graml, Gundolf

  7. Grieb, Margit

    1. Forgotten Dreams: Revisiting Romanticism in the Cinema of Werner Herzog. By Laurie Ruth Johnson. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2016. 298 pages + 25 color illustrations. $90.00.
      Margit Grieb
  8. Hamilton, Andrew B.B.

    1. Stifter’s Granit and the Art of Seeing
      Andrew B.B. Hamilton
  9. Hawkins, Spencer

    1. Anecdote as Philosophical Intervention: Hans Blumenberg’s Figure of the Absent-minded Phenomenologist
      Spencer Hawkins
  10. Jenkins, Jennifer

    1. Hermann-Broch-Handbuch. Herausgegeben von Michael Kessler und Paul Michael Lützeler. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter, 2015. xv + 670 Seiten. €149,95 / $210.00.
      Jennifer Jenkins
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