Index by author

  1. Allen, Julie K.

    1. Handbuch Literatur und Religion. Herausgegeben von Daniel Weidner. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2016. viii + 484 Seiten. €99,99 gebunden, €76,99 eBook.
      Julie K. Allen
  2. Amidon, Kevin S.

  3. Bauer, Lukas

    1. “Sie durchziehen dieses Land in ganzen Schwärmen”: Tourism as a Marker of Modernity in Heine’s Reisebilder
      Lukas Bauer
  4. Born, Erik

    1. Some Omissions in the Universal Library: Kurd Lasswitz and the Emergence of Science Fiction
      Erik Born
  5. Brockmann, Stephen

    1. Nonconformist Writing in Nazi Germany: The Literature of Inner Emigration. By John Klapper. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2015. 453 pages + 8 b/w illustrations. $95.00.
      Stephen Brockmann
  6. Bullock, Marcus

  7. Byrd, Vance

  8. Eldridge, Sarah Vandegrift

    1. Sibling Action: The Genealogical Structure of Modernity. By Stefani Engelstein. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2017. xiii + 360 pages + 17 b/w illustrations. $65.00 hardcover, $64.99 e-book.
      Sarah Vandegrift Eldridge
  9. Gebhardt, Paul

  10. Goebel, Rolf J.

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