The Medieval German Lohengrin: Narrative Poetics in the Story of the Swan Knight. By Alastair Matthews. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2016. ix + 236 pages + 4 color illustrations. $99.00.
Christopher R. Clason
Monatshefte, September 2019, 111 (3) 448-450; DOI:
The Medieval German Lohengrin: Narrative Poetics in the Story of the Swan Knight. By Alastair Matthews. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2016. ix + 236 pages + 4 color illustrations. $99.00.
The Medieval German Lohengrin: Narrative Poetics in the Story of the Swan Knight. By Alastair Matthews. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2016. ix + 236 pages + 4 color illustrations. $99.00.