Stereotype and Destiny in Arthur Schnitzler’s Prose: Five Psycho-Sociological Readings. By Marie Kolkenbrock. New York: Bloomsbury, 2018. ix + 268 pages. $120.00 hardcover, $107.99 e-book.
Gail Finney
Monatshefte, December 2019, 111 (4) 632-634; DOI:
Stereotype and Destiny in Arthur Schnitzler’s Prose: Five Psycho-Sociological Readings. By Marie Kolkenbrock. New York: Bloomsbury, 2018. ix + 268 pages. $120.00 hardcover, $107.99 e-book.
Gail Finney
Monatshefte Dec 2019, 111 (4) 632-634; DOI: 10.3368/m.111.4.632
Stereotype and Destiny in Arthur Schnitzler’s Prose: Five Psycho-Sociological Readings. By Marie Kolkenbrock. New York: Bloomsbury, 2018. ix + 268 pages. $120.00 hardcover, $107.99 e-book.
Gail Finney
Monatshefte Dec 2019, 111 (4) 632-634; DOI: 10.3368/m.111.4.632