Index by author

  1. Attanucci, Timothy

    1. The “Gentle Law” of Large Numbers: Stifter’s Urban Meteorology
      Timothy Attanucci
  2. Buchholz, Paul

    1. Unlikely Escapes: Ecological Counterculture in Franz Krahberger’s Humbolts Reise
      Paul Buchholz
  3. Bullock, Marcus

    1. Goethe versus Benjamin: Elective Affinities and Marriage Equality
      Marcus Bullock
    2. Stages of European Romanticism: Cultural Sychronicity across the Arts, 1798–1848. By Theodore Ziolkowski. New York: Camden House, 2018. xiii + 247 pages + 10 b/w illustrations. $95.00 hardcover.
      Marcus Bullock
  4. Calpe, Ana Giménez

  5. Court, Justin

    1. Constructing Imperial Berlin: Photography and the Metropolis. By Miriam Paeslack. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019. 191 pages + 105 b/w images. $30.00.
      Justin Court
  6. Eldridge, Hannah V.

    1. From the Editors
      Hannah V. Eldridge and Sonja E. Klocke
  7. Fischer, Nicole

  8. Goebel, Rolf J.

  9. Hoyng, Peter

    1. Form & Materie. Schillers verfehlte Moderne. Von Peter Ensberg. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2018. 272 Seiten. €39,80.
      Peter Höyng
  10. Jirku, Brigitte E.

    1. Literarische Vernunftkritik im Roman der Gegenwart. Von Leonhard Herrmann. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2017. ix + 366 Seiten. €79,99 gebunden, €62,99 eBook.
      Brigitte E. Jirku
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