Punishment and Penitential Practices in Medieval German Writing.Edited by Sarah Bowden and Annette Volfing. London: King’s College, 2018. ix + 209 pages. £60,00 / $99.00 hardcover.
Anne Simon
Monatshefte, June 2020, 112 (2) 338-340; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/m.112.2.338
Punishment and Penitential Practices in Medieval German Writing.Edited by Sarah Bowden and Annette Volfing. London: King’s College, 2018. ix + 209 pages. £60,00 / $99.00 hardcover.
Anne Simon
Monatshefte Jun 2020, 112 (2) 338-340; DOI: 10.3368/m.112.2.338
Punishment and Penitential Practices in Medieval German Writing.Edited by Sarah Bowden and Annette Volfing. London: King’s College, 2018. ix + 209 pages. £60,00 / $99.00 hardcover.
Anne Simon
Monatshefte Jun 2020, 112 (2) 338-340; DOI: 10.3368/m.112.2.338