Transformation and Education in the Literature of the GDR. By Jean E. Conacher. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2020. ix + 293 pages + 12 b/w images. $85.00 hardcover, $ 24.99 e-book.
Katrin Bahr
Monatshefte, December 2021, 113 (4) 717-720; DOI:
Transformation and Education in the Literature of the GDR. By Jean E. Conacher. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2020. ix + 293 pages + 12 b/w images. $85.00 hardcover, $ 24.99 e-book.
Katrin Bahr
Monatshefte Dec 2021, 113 (4) 717-720; DOI: 10.3368/m.113.4.717
Transformation and Education in the Literature of the GDR. By Jean E. Conacher. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2020. ix + 293 pages + 12 b/w images. $85.00 hardcover, $ 24.99 e-book.
Katrin Bahr
Monatshefte Dec 2021, 113 (4) 717-720; DOI: 10.3368/m.113.4.717