Index by author

  1. Bohmer, Sebastian

  2. Brass, Sebastian

  3. Braunbeck, Helga G.

  4. Brockmann, Stephen

    1. Die verdrängte Zeit. Vom Verschwinden und Entdecken der Kultur des Ostens. Von Marko Martin. Berlin: Tropen, 2020. 426 Seiten. €24,00 gebunden, €18,99 eBook.
      Stephen Brockmann
  5. Bullock, Marcus

  6. Clason, Christopher R.

  7. Criser, Regine

  8. Desocio, Domenic

    1. Friends with Benefits: Friendship and Queer Temporality in Klaus Mann’s Der fromme Tanz (1926) and Siegfried Kracauer’s Georg (1934)
      Domenic DeSocio
  9. Frackman, Kyle

    1. Open Access
      Introduction: Approaches to Queer Temporalities in German Studies
      Kyle Frackman and Ervin Malakaj
    2. Slow Aesthetics, Fraught Intimacy, and Queer Time in the German Queer New Wave: Sturmland and Neubau
      Kyle Frackman
    3. Preface from the Special Issue Editors
      Kyle Frackman and Ervin Malakaj
    4. Preface from the Special Issue Editors
      Kyle Frackman and Ervin Malakaj
  10. Gleissner, Roman

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