Research ArticleArticles
Friends with Benefits: Friendship and Queer Temporality in Klaus Mann’s Der fromme Tanz (1926) and Siegfried Kracauer’s Georg (1934)
Domenic DeSocio
Monatshefte, September 2022, 114 (3) 407-425; DOI:
Domenic DeSocio
Kresge Centennial Hall, Room 3-305, 1880 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208,

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- Keilson-Lauritz, Marita
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- Kracauer, Siegfried
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In this issue
Vol. 114, Issue 3
21 Sep 2022
Friends with Benefits: Friendship and Queer Temporality in Klaus Mann’s Der fromme Tanz (1926) and Siegfried Kracauer’s Georg (1934)
Domenic DeSocio
Monatshefte Sep 2022, 114 (3) 407-425; DOI: 10.3368/m.114.3.407
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