Research ArticleArticles
Transatlantic Literary Studies and the Archive
Tobias Boes
Monatshefte, September 2023, 115 (3) 420-435; DOI:
Tobias Boes
Department of German and Russian Languages and Literature University of Notre Dame 118 Decio Faculty Hall Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA

Works Cited
- Anderson, Benedict
- Bakhtin, Mikhail
- Bannet, Eve Tavor and
- Susan Manning
- “Beinecke Library—Our Collections.” [date of access October 11, 2022].
- Boes, Tobias
- Boes, Tobias
- Boes, Tobias
- Caswell, Michelle
- Crawford, Kate
- Criser, Regine and Ervin Malakaj
- Dimock, Wai Chee
- Erdmann, Dominik and
- Jutta Weber
- Ernst, Wolfgang
- Foucault, Michel
- Gilroy, Paul
- Göktürk, Deniz
- Harvey, David
- “Hemispheric and Transatlantic Archives Workshop: Researching Iberian, Latin American, Caribbean, LatinX Collections,” [date of access September 23, 2022].
- Hering, Constantin
- Koselleck, Reinhart
- Lefebvre, Henri
- Lützeler, Paul Michael
- Lützeler, Paul Michael and
- Peter Höyng
- Moore, Jason W.
- Nesmith, Tom
- Oschmann, Dirk
- O’Toole, James M. and
- Richard J. Cox
- “Our History—The German Society of Pennsylvania.” [date of access October 11, 2022].
- Pratt, Mary Louise
- Sachs, Aaron
- Sommer, Tim
- Sun, Elizabeth
- Tatlock, Lynne
- “Trans-Atlantic and Intra-American Slave Trade Databases.” [date of access October 12, 2022].
- Utlu, Deniz
- Vaget, Hans Rudolf
- Walls, Laura Dassow
- Wamsley, Laurel
- Werber, Nils
- Wheatland, Thomas
- Zhong, Raymond
In this issue
Vol. 115, Issue 3
21 Sep 2023
Transatlantic Literary Studies and the Archive
Tobias Boes
Monatshefte Sep 2023, 115 (3) 420-435; DOI: 10.3368/m.115.3.420
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