Colonial Geography: Race and Space in German East Africa, 1884–1905. By Matthew Unangst. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2022. 360 pages + 7 b/w images + 6 b/w maps. $85.00 hardcover or eBook; After the Imperialist Imagination: Two Decades of Research on Global Germany and Its Legacies. Edited by Sara Pugach, David Pizzo, and Adam Blackler. Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Brussels, New York, Vienna: Peter Lang, 2020. XX + 354 pages + 3 b/w images. $91.25 hardcover, $84.20 eBook.

Florian Krobb

Article Information

Print ISSN 
Online ISSN 
  • Published online March 6, 2024.

Author Information

  1. Florian Krobb
  1. National University of Ireland Maynooth / University of Stellenbosch