Table of Contents
October 01, 2024; Volume 116,Issue 3
- You have accessRestricted accessFuturities of Remembrance: Gender, Memorial Practices, and the Third Generation after the Second World War and ShoahLuisa Banki and Joela JacobsMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 375-381; DOI: BankiNeuere deutsche Literatur / Allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft Bergische Universität Wuppertal Gaußstr. 20 42119 Wuppertal GermanyJoela JacobsDepartment of German Studies University of Arizona 1512 E First St Tucson, AZ 85721 USA
- You have accessRestricted access(Ur)Enkelinnen zwischen Erinnerung und Erzählung: Literarische Repräsentationen von Traumata in Maja Haderlaps Engel des Vergessens, Ramona Ambs’ Die radioaktive Marmelade meiner Großmutter und Mirna Funks Zwischen Du und IchMałgorzata DubrowskaMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 382-400; DOI:łgorzata DubrowskaDepartment of German-Language Literature and Culture, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Al. Račawickie, 14 20-950, Lublin, Poland
- You have accessRestricted accessExploring Relational Opportunities for Confronting Violent Histories within Transcultural Contexts from a Third-Generation Jewish Perspective: Mirna Funk’s Winternähe and Zwischen Du und IchDaphne SeemannMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 401-419; DOI: SeemannLanguage Studies Technological University Dublin, Aungier Street, Room AST-2004, Dublin 2, Ireland
- You have accessRestricted accessPostmigration and Holocaust Memory: Olga Grjasnowa and Sasha Marianna SalzmannAgnes MuellerMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 420-436; DOI: MuellerDepartment of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, University of South Carolina, Humanities Office Building, Columbia, SC 29208, USA
- You have accessRestricted accessPlurale Erinnerungen erzählen: Transtemporale und transnationale Verbindungen in Sharon Dodua Otoos Adas RaumJeannette OholiMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 437-454; DOI: OholiDepartment of German, Dartmouth College, 6084 Dartmouth Hall, Room 204, Hanover, NH 03755, USA
- You have accessRestricted accessSpurensuche der dritten und vierten Generation: Nora Krugs Visual Memoir Heimat und Eline Jongsmas Instagram-Dokumentation His Name Is My NameVéronique SinaMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 455-478; DOI:éronique SinaInstitut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt Campus Westend, IG-Farbenhaus, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1, 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Review Article
- You have accessRestricted accessComics als Bilderfolgen und was daraus (nicht) folgt: Die Form der Gattung im systematischen Aufriss und im HandbuchRüdiger SingerMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 479-494; DOI:üdiger SingerKompetenzzentrum – Trier Center for Digital Humanities, Universität Trier, Universitätsring 15, 54296 Trier, Deutschland
Book Reviews
- You have accessRestricted accessImaginaries of Domesticity and Women’s Work in Germany Around 1800. By Karin A. Wurst. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2023. 248 pages + 11 color images. $99.00/£85.00 hardcover, $29.95/£24.99 eBook.Helen G. Morris-KeitelMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 495-497; DOI: G. Morris-KeitelBucknell University
- You have accessRestricted accessDas Bild der Natur in der Romantik. Kunst als Philosophie und Wissenschaft. Herausgegeben von Nina Amstutz, Anne Bohnenkamp-Renken, Mareike Hennig und Gregor Wedekind. Paderborn: Brill \ Fink, 2021. xviii + 249 Seiten + 85 s/w und 12 farbige Abbildungen. €139,00 gebunden oder eBook.Nicole FischerMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 497-500; DOI: FischerUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
- You have accessRestricted accessGerman Literature as a Transnational Field of Production, 1848–1919. Edited by Lynne Tatlock and Kurt Beals. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2023. 344 pages + 21 b/w images. $120.00/£99.00 hardcover, $29.95/£24.99 eBook.Irina KoganMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 500-503; DOI: KoganColgate University
- You have accessRestricted accessZukunftsromane der Zwischenkriegszeit. Poetisch-politische Imaginationen. Herausgegeben von Kristin Platt und Monika Schmitz-Emans. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022. vii + 351 Seiten + 1 s/w und 2 farbige Abbildungen. $103.99/€89,95 gebunden oder eBook.Wolfgang LueckelMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 503-505; DOI: LueckelAustin College
- You have accessRestricted accessAttention and Distraction in Modern German Literature, Thought, and Culture. By Carolin Duttlinger. Oxford University Press, 2022. 464 pages + 25 images. $125.00 hardcover, $114.99 eBook.Paul BuchholzMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 506-508; DOI: BuchholzEmory University
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Philology of Life: Walter Benjamin’s Critical Program. By Kevin McLaughlin. New York: Fordham University Press, 2023. 208 pages. $110.00 hardcover, $32.00 paperback, $31.99 eBook.Marcus BullockMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 508-511; DOI: BullockUniversity of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
- You have accessRestricted accessThis Great Allegory: On World-Decay and World-Opening in the Work of Art. By Gerhard Richter. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2022. 336 pages + 2 b/w and 13 color images. $35.00 paperback.Jan MieszkowskiMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 511-513; DOI: MieszkowskiReed College
- You have accessRestricted accessWriting the Child: Fictions of Memory in German Postwar Literature. By Susanne Baackmann. Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Brussels, New York, Vienna: Peter Lang, 2022. xiv + 228 pages. $55.00 paperback or eBook.Liina-Ly RoosMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 513-515; DOI: RoosUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
- You have accessRestricted accessThomas Bernhard’s Afterlives. Edited by Stephen Dowden, Gregor Thuswaldner, and Olaf Berwald. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. 264 pages. $135.00 hardcover, $39.95 paperback, $35.95 eBook.Peter BartonMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 515-517; DOI: BartonUniversity of Otago
- You have accessRestricted accessGerman Jews in Love: A History. By Christian Bailey. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2022. 304 pages. $70.00 hardcover, $61.75 eBook.Iris Bork-GoldfieldMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 517-519; DOI: Bork-GoldfieldWesleyan University, Middletown, CT
- You have accessRestricted accessJewish Primitivism. By Samuel J. Spinner. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2021. 272 pages. $65.00 hardcover or eBook.Sven-Erik RoseMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 520-523; DOI: RoseUniversity of California, Davis
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Legacy of Ruth Klüger and the End of the Auschwitz Century. Edited by Mark H. Gelber. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022. viii +190 pages + 3 color images. $103.99 hardcover or eBook.Julia K. GruberMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 523-524; DOI: K. GruberTennessee Technological University
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Secret Police Dossier of Herta Müller: A “File Story” of Cold War Surveillance. By Valentina Glajar. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2023. xii + 294 pages + 1 map + 33 color images. $125.00/£105.00 hardcover, $29.95/£24.99 eBook.Stephen BrockmannMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 525-527; DOI: BrockmannCarnegie Mellon University
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Freest Country in the World: East Germany’s Final Year in Culture and Memory. By Stephen Brockmann. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2023. 352 pages + 31 b/w images. $120.00 hardcover, $29.95 eBook.April EismanMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 527-529; DOI: EismanIowa State University
- You have accessRestricted accessHeimat in Literatur und Kultur. Neue Perspektiven. Herausgegeben von Thorsten Carstensen und Oliver Kohns. Paderborn: Brill \ Fink, 2023. XVIII + 363 Seiten + 15 s/w und 15 farbige Abbildungen. $147.00 gebunden oder eBook.Anja OesterheltMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 529-532; DOI: OesterheltHeinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
- You have accessRestricted accessPoetik der Mitte. Walter Kempowski im literatur- und ideengeschichtlichen Kontext. Herausgegeben von Tom Kindt, Marcel Lepper und Kai Sina. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2022. 232 Seiten + 16 s/w Abbildungen. €26,90 gebunden.Kathryn SederbergMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 532-534; DOI: SederbergKalamazoo College
- You have accessRestricted accessHow to Make the Body: Difference, Identity, and Embodiment. Edited by Jennifer L. Creech and Thomas O. Haakenson. New York: Bloomsbury, 2022. 264 pages + 17 color and 37 b/w illustrations. $108.00 hardcover, $86.40 eBook.Javier Samper VendrellMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 534-536; DOI: Samper VendrellUniversity of Pennsylvania
- You have accessRestricted accessIn den Plural setzen. Marlene Streeruwitz und ihr dramatisches Werk. Herausgegeben von Stefan Neuhaus. Baden-Baden: Tectum, 2022. 236 Seiten. €49,00 broschiert oder eBook.Emily GoodlingMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 536-538; DOI: GoodlingMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- You have accessRestricted accessTowards a Collaborative Memory: German Memory Work in a Transnational Context. By Sara Jones. Oxford, New York: Berghahn, 2022. xiii + 240 pages + 27 images + 28 tables. $135.00/£99.00 hardcover, $34.95 eBook.Stephan JaegerMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 539-541; DOI: JaegerUniversity of Manitoba
- You have accessRestricted accessMusikalische Schreibszenen / Scenes of Musical Writing. Herausgegeben von Federico Celestini und Sarah Lutz. Paderborn: Brill \ Fink, 2023. xvi + 476 Seiten + 69 s/w und 55 farbige Abbildungen + 4 s/w und 1 farbige Tabellen. $103.00 gebunden, open access eBook.Rolf J. GoebelMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 541-543; DOI: J. GoebelUniversity of Alabama in Huntsville
- You have accessRestricted accessA Decolonizing Ear: Documentary Film Disrupts the Archive. By Olivia Landry. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2022. 218 pages + 12 b/w images. $75.00 hardcover or eBook.Mary HennessyMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 543-545; DOI: HennessyUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
- You have accessRestricted accessPlants, Places, and Power: Toward Social and Ecological Justice in German Literature and Film. By Maria Stehle. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2023. 186 pages + 37 b/w images. $99.00/£85.00 hardcover, $29.95/£24.99 eBook.Helga G. BraunbeckMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 545-547; DOI: G. BraunbeckNorth Carolina State University
- You have accessRestricted accessMedienkritik und Wirkungsästhetik. Herausgegeben von Susanne Düwell und Nicolas Pethes. Berlin: Kadmos, 2023. 312 Seiten. €29,80 broschiert, €24,99 eBook.Peter KrappMonatshefte, October 2024, 116 (3) 547-549; DOI: