Enlightenment Thought in the Writings of Goethe: A Contribution to the History of Ideas.By Paul E. Kerry. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2001. x + 243 pages. $65.00.
Peter Boerner
Monatshefte, September 2003, XCV (3) 493-495; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/m.XCV.3.493
Enlightenment Thought in the Writings of Goethe: A Contribution to the History of Ideas.By Paul E. Kerry. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2001. x + 243 pages. $65.00.
Enlightenment Thought in the Writings of Goethe: A Contribution to the History of Ideas.By Paul E. Kerry. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2001. x + 243 pages. $65.00.