Recasting German Identity: Culture, Politics, and Literature in the Berlin Republic.Edited by Stuart Taberner and Frank Finlay. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2002. viii + 276 pages. $70.00.
Stephen Brockmann
Monatshefte, June 2004, XCVI (2) 318-320; DOI:
Recasting German Identity: Culture, Politics, and Literature in the Berlin Republic.Edited by Stuart Taberner and Frank Finlay. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2002. viii + 276 pages. $70.00.
Stephen Brockmann
Monatshefte Jun 2004, XCVI (2) 318-320; DOI: 10.3368/m.XCVI.2.318
Recasting German Identity: Culture, Politics, and Literature in the Berlin Republic.Edited by Stuart Taberner and Frank Finlay. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2002. viii + 276 pages. $70.00.
Stephen Brockmann
Monatshefte Jun 2004, XCVI (2) 318-320; DOI: 10.3368/m.XCVI.2.318