Index by author


  1. Bordwell, David

    1. Response to Oksana Bulgakowa
      David Bordwell
  2. Brockmann, Stephen

    1. German Literature of the 1990s and Beyond: Normalization and the Berlin Republic. By Stuart Taberner. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2005. xxvii + 289 pages. $75.00.
      Stephen Brockmann
  3. Bulgakowa, Oksana

    1. The Ear against the Eye: Vertov’s Symphony
      Oksana Bulgakowa
  4. Clairmont, Heinrich

  5. Dowden, Steve

    1. Freundschaft im Exil. Thomas Mann und Hermann Broch. Herausgegeben von Paul Michael Lützeler. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 2004. 246 Seiten. €39,00.
      Steve Dowden
  6. Fetscher, Justus

    1. Blindness and “Showside”: Non-Visual Aspects of German Radio and Radio Plays in the 1950s
      Justus Fetscher
  7. Gross, Sabine

    1. Response to Justus Fetscher
      Sabine Gross
  8. Hens, Gregor

    1. A Companion to the Works of Thomas Bernhard. Edited by Matthias Konzett. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2002. vi + 251 pages. $90.00.
      Gregor Hens
  9. Hermand, Jost

  10. Horn, Peter

    1. Post-Imperial Brecht: Politics and Performance, East and South. By Loren Kruger. Oxford: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 414 pages. $85.00.
      Peter Horn
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