German Literature of the 1990s and Beyond: Normalization and the Berlin Republic.By Stuart Taberner. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2005. xxvii + 289 pages. $75.00.
Stephen Brockmann
Monatshefte, June 2006, XCVIII (2) 318-319; DOI:
German Literature of the 1990s and Beyond: Normalization and the Berlin Republic.By Stuart Taberner. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2005. xxvii + 289 pages. $75.00.
Stephen Brockmann
Monatshefte Jun 2006, XCVIII (2) 318-319; DOI: 10.3368/m.XCVIII.2.318
German Literature of the 1990s and Beyond: Normalization and the Berlin Republic.By Stuart Taberner. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2005. xxvii + 289 pages. $75.00.
Stephen Brockmann
Monatshefte Jun 2006, XCVIII (2) 318-319; DOI: 10.3368/m.XCVIII.2.318