RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 “Auf dem goldenen Grund aller Finsternis”— Erkenntnis-, Handlungs- und Seinsgründe in Hermann Brochs Die Verzauberung JF Monatshefte FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 88 OP 106 DO 10.1353/mon.2008.0051 VO 100 IS 1 A1 Mansour, Julia YR 2008 UL http://mon.uwpress.org/content/100/1/88.abstract AB Hermann Broch’s Die Verzauberung (The Spell) embodies a demanding philosophical content, which is not solely expressed in the narrator’s comments, but is additionally thematized through the protagonists’ actions. Broch’s narrator, tragically confronted with various limitations of human cognitive capacities, tries to develop an ‘epistemic ethics,’ which aims at reconciling human rational and intuitive capacities. With the help of the intricate semantics of “Grund” (German for soil, foundation, reason), Broch thus addresses three interrelated philosophical problems: the foundations of knowledge, action, and existence. (JM; in German)