[BOOK][B] Aesthetic illusion: theoretical and historical approaches

F Burwick, W Pape - 2012 - books.google.com
… Aesthetic illusion: theoretical and historical approaches/edited by Frederick Burwick and
Walter Pape. Proceedings of a Humanities Research Institute conference held at the University …

Happy endings in a world of misery: A literary convention between social constraints and utopia in children's and adult literature

W Pape - Poetics Today, 1992 - JSTOR
" A book, lying unopened, is but a bound, sleeping, innocuous little animal that will do no one
any harm. Whoever does not arouse it, will not be yawned at; whoever does not poke his …

[BOOK][B] Germany and Eastern Europe: Cultural identities and cultural differences

K Bullivant, GJ Giles, W Pape - 1999 - books.google.com
The opening up, and subsequent tearing down, of the Berlin Wall in 1989 effectively ended
a historically unique period for Europe that had drastically changed its face over a period of …

[BOOK][B] Wilhelm Busch

W Pape - 1977 - Springer
Wilhelm Buschs beispiellose Popularität steht in keinem Verhältnis zur unbefriedigenden
Edition der Werke und zur Forschungslage. Eine kritische Gesamtausgabe fehlt, und die …

[BOOK][B] 1870/71-1989/90: German unifications and the change of literary discourse

W Pape - 1993 - books.google.com
… 1870/71-1989/90: German unifications and the change of literary discourse/edited by
Walter Pape. (European cultures; v. 1) Includes bibliographical references and index. … 1) …

Aesthetic Illusion

F Burwick, W Pape - … and Historical Approaches. Berlin: Walter de …, 1990 - degruyter.com
… Aesthetic illusion: theoretical and historical approaches/edited by Frederick Burwick and
Walter Pape. Proceedings of a Humanities Research Institute conference held at the University …

[BOOK][B] Das literarische Kinderbuch: Studien zur Entstehung und Typologie

W Pape - 2015 - books.google.com
Den Gegenstand der vorliegenden Untersuchung und die damals modischen, Schriften für
Damen'bedachte Goethe in den Xenien von 1796 mit bitterem Spott: Immer für Weiber und …

[BOOK][B] Reflecting senses: perception and appearance in literature, culture, and the arts

W Pape, F Burwick - 1995 - books.google.com
… Reflecting senses: perception and appearance in literature, culture, and the arts/edited by
Walter Pape and Frederick Burwick… See Walter Pape's essay in this volume, p. 98. 17 Ibid., vol. …

Comic Illusion and Illusion in Comedy: The Discourse of Emotional Freedom

W Pape - Frederick Bruwick/Walter Pape (Hg.): Aesthetic Illusion …, 1990 - degruyter.com
The chorus of the Oceanides really believes that it sees before it the Titan Prometheus, and
considers itself as real as the god of the scene. And are we to designate as the highest and …

Making and breaking dramatic illusion

RA Foakes, F Burwick, W Pape - Aesthetic illusion: Theoretical and …, 1990 - degruyter.com
Discussion of illusion tends to focus on optical illusion in painting, drawing, conjuring and
other deceptions of the eye, or what WJ Thomas Mitchell elsewhere in this volume (pp. 65—78…